printf - formatted output to stdout, file pointer, or buffer
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h> /* v[f/s]printf() only */
int n = printf(fmt, ...);
int n = fprintf(fp, fmt, ...);
int n = sprintf(buf, fmt, ...);
int n = vprintf(fmt, argvect);
int n = vfprintf(fp, fmt, argvect);
int n = vsprintf(buf, fmt, argvect);
FILE *fp;
char *fmt;
char *buf;
va_list argvect;
These various connotations offer formatted printing. printf and
vprintf output to stdout; fprintf and vfprintf output to a
file pointer (fp); sprintf and vsprintf output to a character
All routines return the number of characters written if successful,
a negative number if not. Only sprintf and vsprintf is limited
in terms of output size (it cannot exceed the buffer you give it).
The common argument to all routines is the format specifier. The
format specifier is scanned to determine how to handle the arguments
to the call (or the arglist for v*printf connotations). Characters
are copied to the output until a % is encountered. %% indicates a
literal '%' character. Otherwise, the % is followed by a control
sequence that tells printf how to output an argument quantity. The
quantity is output and the scan continues until the end of the
format string.
The % format is as follows:
Items in brackets are option. After the % zero or more flags may
be specified. Then, an optional integer which represents the
minimum field width for the object. If an integer is specified
it may be followed by a period and another integer that represents
that precision with which a number is printed. Zero or more
modifiers may then be specified followed by a mandatory conversion
Either or both integers (#[.#]) may be specified as a '*', as in
"%*d", specifying that the minimum field width and/or precision
is specified as an integer in the argument that occurs before
the conversion object. For example, printf("x%*dxn", 10, 23);
would print the number 23 right justified in a field 10 characters
- left justify text within its field, otherwise output is right
+ precede a signed number with a plus sign if it is positive
(negative numbers are always preceeded with a minus sign)
<space> precede a positive signed number with a space so the number's
width matches that of itself if it were negative.
# forces numeric data items to be formatted such that their type
is known. The following effects occur given a conversion
e, E, f, F always retains decimal point
g, G always retains decimal point and trailing zeros are kept
x, X prints '0x' and '0X' respectively before the number
(current not implemented by DICE)
0 pad with zeros instead of spaces. Ignored if a precision
is specified or if the '-' flag is specified.
(currently partially implemented by DICE)
h Indicates the corresponding integer argument is a short or
an unsigned short.
under DICE, this has no effect since integers are 32 bits
l Indicates the corresponding integer argument is a long or
unsigned long. Indicates floating point argument is a
double (else is a float)
under DICE, for integers, this is superfluous, but for
portability reasons you want to specify it when an argument
is explicitly a long.
L Indicates the corresponding floating point argument is a
long double (16 byte quantity) (currently not implemented
by DICE)
c Output the character represented by the integer quantity
d Output a signed integer
e Output a double quantity in exponential form, the format:
The precision specifies the number of digits beyond the
decimal point to print
E e conversion but use upper case E in exponent: E+/-dd
f Output a double quantity in the form: The precision specifies
the number of digits beyond the decimal point to print
g Output a double quantity using either the 'e' or 'f' form,
depending on the exponent.
G Output a double quantity using either the 'E' or 'f' form,
depending on the exponent.
i same as 'd'
n The argument is a pointer to an integer which is used to
set the integer to the bytes written out so far. This is
especially useful with sprintf to determine where a particular
part of the format begins in the output buffer.
o The unsigned integer quantity is converted to ascii-octal
p The pointer is printed (basically the address is printed)
s The string represented by the character pointer is printed
u The unsigned integer quantity is converted to ascii-decimal
x The unsigned integer quantity is converted to ascii-hex using
'0'-'9', 'a'-'f'.
X The unsigned integer quantity is converted to ascii-hex using
upper case A-F instead of lower case.
* Example use of most conversion specifiers. Compile -lm to
* get the math pfmt.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
void gagprint();
char buf[256];
int i;
int n;
n = printf("ab%c %03d %le %lf %2.2lf %n%o %p %sXX %u %x %X %08lxn",
'c', /* %c -> 'c' */
43, /* %03d -> '043' */
1.257, /* %2.2lf -> 1.26 */
11, /* %o -> '13' */
buf, /* %p -> <hex-ptr-addr> */
32094, /* %u -> 32094 */
4095, /* %x */
4095, /* %X */
4095 /* %08lx */
printf("%d chars writtenn", n);
n = printf("%*s%sn", i, "", "^Octal Number");
printf("%d chars writtenn", n);
n = sprintf(buf, "FuBar%s", "Bletch");
printf("%d chars writtenn", n);
n = fprintf(stdout, "This is an fprintfn");
printf("%d chars writtenn", n);
gagprint("%d %d %dn", 1, 2, 3);
gagprint(ctl, ...)
char *ctl;
va_list va;
int n;
va_start(va, ctl);
n = vprintf(ctl, va);
printf("%d chars writtenn", n);
FILE *fp; file pointer (fprintf, vfprintf)
char *fmt; format string, e.g. "Answer is %dn"
char *buf; buffer (sprintf, vsprintf)
va_list argvect; arg list (vprintf, vfprintf, vsprintf)
int n; number of characters written if successful,
a negative number if not. for sprintf and
vsprintf the nul character at the end of the
string is NOT included in the count.
puts, fputs, fwrite